Workshop practice is a basic subject which introduces the actual and basic concept of engineering production processes. This text book will provide a comprehensive and fundamental awareness to the students of DAE Mechanical regarding initial skills which must be the integral part of the personality of a technologist. After going through these skill oriented activities which are expressed in detail in this text books, the DAE students will be able to meet the defined requirements of industries.
Production processes and maintenance activity at industrial level cannot be fulfilled without passing through the basic metal work, wood work, foundry work, welding and machine shop. No perfect design work can be completed without the basic knowledge of these skills. In the subject Mech127 the basic skills and knowledge is imparted to the DAE Mechanical students in a very simplest language so that they may understand easily. Simple English words, terms and sentences are used to facilitate the students. The text material is strengthen with simple diagrams of tools, equipment‘s and machines. However, there are always space for improvement in any activity. So the stake holders are requested to convey us any type of deficiency or improvement which may cause the betterment of nation as well as industrial needs.
Engr. Talha Atta

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