Manufacture is derived from two Latin words manus (hand) and factus (make); the combination means “made by hand”. “Made by hand”accurately described the manual methods used when the English word “manufacture” was first coined around 1567 A.D. Most modern manufacturing is accomplished by automated and computer-controlled machinery that is manually supervised
Manufacturing is the
application of physical and chemical
processes to alter the geometry, properties, and/or
appearance of a given starting material to make
parts or products; manufacturing also includes assembly
of multiple parts to make products Manufacturing
is almost always carried out as a sequence
of operations
Manufacturing is the transformation of materials into items of greater value by means of one or more processing and/or assembly operations Manufacturing adds value to
the material by changing its shape or properties, or
by combining it with other materials that have been similarly altered
Manufacturing Importance
can be defined as the application of science to
provide society and its members with those things that
are needed or desired
- Technology provides products that help our society and its members live better
- What do these products have in common? They are all manufactured
- Manufacturing is the essential factor that makes technology possible
is a means by
which a nation creates material
- In the U.S. manufacturing constitutes ~ 20% of GNP
- Government is as much of GNP as manufacturing,but it creates no wealth
the importance of manufacturing in the development
of civilization is usually underestimated
- Throughout history, human cultures that were better at making things were more successful
- Making better tools meant better crafts & weapons
- Better crafts allowed the people to live better
- Better weapons allowed them to conquer other cultures in times of conflict
- To a significant degree, the history of civilization is the history of humans' ability to make thing
Manufacturing materials
Materials use in manufacturing are Classified as follow
4. Composites
Their chemistries are different, their mechanical and physical
properties are dissimilar, and these differences
affect the manufacturing processes that can be used to produce
products from them
Manufacturing Processes
Manufacturing processes are classified into Two
basic types
- Processing operations
- Assembly operations
Processing operations - transform a work material from
one state of completion to a more advanced state Operations that change the geometry,
properties, or
appearance of the starting material
Assembly operations - join two or more components in order to
create a new entity
Manufacturing Industries
Manufacturing Industries can be classified as:
Primary industries - those that cultivate and exploit
natural resources, e.g., agriculture, mining
Secondary industries - take the outputs of primary
industries and convert them into consumer
and capital goods - manufacturing is the
principal activity
3. Tertiary industries
– service sector of the economy